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Form 945 Corona California: What You Should Know
The rules for companies that are already offering such benefit will also be relaxed. U.S. to Allow Same-Sex Partners to Get Married While Employed in Another Country — The Wall Street Journal Oct 8, 2025 — The U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments in a case that will allow same-sex couples in California and other states to marry. The issue before the court is whether states that ban same-sex marriage violated the U.S. Constitution's guarantee of equal protection under the law. The case could set a legal marker for how same-sex marriage is treated by the federal government, state governments, and most other countries. IRS: You Have the Power to Stop Tax Havens That Abuse Poor Americans — The Daily Caller Jan 2, 2025 — For a decade, the Internal Revenue Service has been investigating a variety of tax havens, some of which have encouraged corporations to avoid paying U.S. taxes — only to turn around and provide some money to other countries who didn't bother to send anything back. Under pressure from some politicians, the agency wants to make it easier for investors to move assets from abusive tax havens to new countries. IRS: Tax Haven Profiteers Could Face a Major Headwind in Coming Years — The Washington Post Apr 18, 2025 — The House Ways and Means Committee, in bipartisan agreement, has put forth a tax bill that would eliminate corporate tax inversion deals that involve U.S. companies selling their international operations to offshore tax havens that would avoid U.S. taxes on the profits they bring back to the United States. IRS and State Department Urge Iran to Stop Using Companies to Launder Money — The New York Times May 11, 2025 — The Treasury Department and the Central Bank of Iran are encouraging the country to cease the practice of using companies to launder money while seeking to avoid international sanctions over its nuclear research program. IRS and State Department Urge Iran to Stop Using Companies to Launder Money — The Washington Post Oct 10, 2025 — The Treasury Department and the Central Bank of Iran are encouraging the country to cease the practice of using companies to launder money while seeking to avoid international sanctions over its nuclear research program.
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